Event title:

PGR Skills Session: Actioning your Personal Development Plan

Event details

Event details

Tuesday, 19th March 2024
10:00 - 12:00
Derwent 104
Hull Campus
  PGR Skills Development Session  

Event description

Event description

Purpose of the session

This session has been developed to ensure you are identifying and actioning your own personal training and development plan.  In the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES), a large proportion of PGRs identified they ‘had not agreed a personal training and development plan’. This session is designed to get you thinking about where you are now, and more importantly, what you can do whilst studying for your doctorate that will stand you in good stead for employment post-doctorate, whatever that might be.

This seminar will also:

Refresh your understanding of the purpose, process and importance of the PGR Training Needs Analysis process and your personal development plan.  Review how you and your supervisor should be using the process, and talking about training needs at your monthly supervisions and over the duration of your research degree. Provide you with the opportunity to refresh your own development plan to assess your current training needs. Provide the opportunity to discuss the process with staff from your faculty/departmental (where possible) in a separate break-out room on campus. 


Target audience

PGRs coming to the end of their 1st year - as a strong reminder of the importance of reviewing their training progress over the last year and their needs for the forthcoming year.

PGRs in their 2 and 3rd years to review what they have achieved and what they still need to work on.


Brief background to the Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

All PGRs take the compulsory module Modern Researcher 1. As part of the module you will have produced your own Training Needs Analysis Plan using the Vitae Researcher Developer “Wheel” to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Part of the assessment for MR1 is that you submit your personal TNA to your supervisor.  The monthly supervision form and meeting provide a regular opportunity for you to discuss your specific training needs with your supervisor.  The TNA is revisited in Modern Researcher 3, which is not a compulsory module, so this refresher session will be useful for those not undertaking Modern Researcher 3.

If you have any queries relating to this session, please contact Dr Sarah Greer - s.greer@hull.ac.uk 



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