Event title:

Peer Observation of Teaching

Event details

Event details

Wednesday, 11th December 2019
13:00 - 14:00
Derwent LT3
Hull Campus

Event description

Event description

Teaching is often an individual not shared experience, yet we all have much to learn from the teaching practices of others, and can share our own perspectives to support the development of our colleagues. 

Peer observation of teaching is an effective means of professional development providing benefits for both the observer and observee (Hendry & Oliver, 2012; Bell & Mladenovic, 2008; Shortland, 2004). It is a developmental and rewarding process for all involved (Bell & Mladenovic, 2008) and contributes to a culture of quality learning and teaching. Together with your own reflections, your engagement with the literature and your students’ views it forms a key part of being a critically reflective teacher (Brookfield, 2017). Evidence of engagement with and reflection on peer observation is also a required element of gaining professional accreditation via the DARTE Fellowship scheme and as part of PCAP.

This workshop will focus on the benefits and challenges of peer observation. It is for all staff (and PGR students) who teach. It is relevant for both those who want to observe and those who want to be observed.

Bell, A. & Mladenovic, R. (2008) The benefits of peer observation of teaching for tutor development, Higher Education, 55, 735-752
Brookfield, S. (2017) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher (2nd ed) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Hendry, G.D. & Oliver, G.R. (2012) Seeing is believing: the benefits of peer observation Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 9:1
Shortland, S. (2004) Peer observation: a tool for staff development or compliance? Journal of Further and Higher Education 28:2, 219-228

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • enhance their teaching through engaging with peer observation
  • use appropriate ways to give feedback on teaching to colleagues

UK Professional Standards Framework (HEA, 2011)
This event aligns to the UKPSF through the following core Activities (A), Knowledge (K) and Values (V):

  • A2: Teach and/or support learning
  • A5: Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices
  • K6: The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching
  • V3: Use evidence informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development.



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