Event title:

Cancelled - PGR Drop-In

Event details

Event details

Wednesday, 17th July 2019 Show more dates
12:00 - 13:00
BJL Teaching Room 2 - Ground Floor
Hull Campus
  PGR Drop-In Session  

Event description

Event description

The PGR Drop-In Sessions are being offered as part of the Graduate School's PGR Experience improvement initiatives.  All PGR students are welcome to attend any of these informal sessions - whether stay for the whole session, call in to ask a question, or just 'drop-in' to have a chat. 

Members of the Graduate School team and other PGR students will be available to talk to students to give informal advice and support on the PhD process,  PGTS modules, or just socialise with anyone feeling lonely, isolated or overwhelmed. If you have any other problems we will be happy to signpost you to the relevant services and people. Whatever the reason, if you just fancy having a chat with a friendly person then just pop along, we'll be very happy to see you!

We also offer one 'Game Time' and 'Craft Time' drop-ins each month. In addition to chatting and answering any questions, these are intended to be more social, with board games or craft activities to add a little fun to your thesis routine.


You do not have to register for these sessions, you can just turn up on the day.

If you have any queries please contact Jackie McAndrew, PGR Experience Specialist, The Graduate School on Jackie.McAndrew@hull.ac.uk or 01482 466585.



Registration has closed.