Event title:

Developing Student Self-Efficacy

Event details

Event details

Thursday, 25th October 2018
15:00 - 15:50
Nidd Seminar Room 1
Hull Campus
  Archive Events  

Event description

Event description


Higher Education is an important opportunity for people to have experiences that encourage self-belief. These experiences should provide evidence of one’s ability to overcome a wide range of barriers and succeed in their personal aspirations. Research suggests that our students do not recognise and so cannot articulate the whole of their development; especially in less well-defined, transferable skills such as autonomy. In order to address students’ poor self-efficacy development, I have devised a simple learning-cycle framework that highlights key barriers and how they can be addressed. The framework draws from the research of the University of Hull’s STEM education group and the sources of self-efficacy identified by Albert Bandura.

This 50 minute workshop considers examples of how I have implemented the framework as a programme director of Zoology BSc, will invite attendees to consider how the framework could be incorporated into individual teaching practice.

This event will be of interesting to:

anyone involved in teaching and support, programme directors may find this workshop of particular interest as will those interested in enhancing NSS scores for teaching on my course and student voice.

By successfully engaging wit this event, the participant will:

  • understand the relevance of self-efficacy and its impact on student learning
  • understand the learning-cycle framework for developing self-efficacy
  • explore an example of where the framework has been implemented in Zoology
  • explore how the framework can be used in your own teaching


Bandura, A. (2012). On the functional properties of perceived self-efficacy revisited. Journal of Management, 38(1), 9-44. link

The UK Professional Standards Framework (HEA, 2011) outlines the core Activities Knowledge, and Values that underpin teaching and learning activity in HE. This event supports the following:


  • A1: Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study
  • A2: Teach and/or support learning
  • A3: Assess and give feedback to learners
  • A4: Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance
  • A5: Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices


  • K2: Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme
  • K3: How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
  • K5: Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching


  • V1: Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
  • V2: Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
  • V3: Use evidence informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development
  • V4: Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice


If this session has already taken place, please contact lte@hull.ac.uk to be added to a waiting list for a second run.
All workshop resources (including Panopto recordings) will be available online. Details will be given in due course.



Registration has closed.