Event title:

Microteach Workshop

Event details

Event details

Wednesday, 23rd October 2024
10:00 - 12:30
Larkin SR 152
Hull Campus
  Microteach     Workshops  

Event description

Event description

Microteach sessions give you a safe environment in which to practice your teaching and invite feedback on a specific aspect of it. This is a practical session: you will deliver/facilitate a short piece of teaching, as if you were teaching students in your discipline. You will receive feedback from your peers and an observer. 

This session is for you if you:

  • Have not taught before.
  • Have done some teaching and would like feedback on a specific aspect of your teaching (NB: this relates to style and structure, not content).
  • Don’t have opportunities to teach in your discipline yet, but would like to practice your teaching skills in a safe environment.

Session Structure
NB: places are limited, so please ensure you can fully commit to the requirements of the session before signing up:

  • An overview of the process and discussion of effective teaching and feedback practices.
  • You will then present 10 minutes of a teaching session to up to four peers and a facilitator, and receive feedback. Your teaching will either be a mini lecture you have prepared especially, or you can use part of a session that you would like to teach / already teach.  You should indicate the student group for which it is intended, together with learning outcomes. You can also ask observers to comment on specific aspects, for example your structure, your delivery etc.
  • A 5-10 minute de-brief following the teaching involves self-evaluation, followed by peer evaluation with a focus on constructive feedback using the University’s Peer Observation forms. You are encouraged to record and reflect on your comments from peers.
  • During the session you will also have a chance to observe your peers and give constructive feedback on their teaching. You should therefore be prepared to give constructive feedback.
  • The session will be recorded so that you can also reflect on it in your own time, and return to it later in your teaching career to reflect on progression in your practice.


During the activity, participants will:

  • Deliver a short piece of university-level teaching, in their own discipline or on a pedagogical topic.
  • Receive and give feedback on teaching practice.

Through this, by the end of the activity participants will be able to:

  • Reflect on and appraise their teaching and learning practices.
  • Use feedback to enhance their awareness and practice of effective teaching.

Professional Standards Framework (PSF2023)

The Professional Standards Framework outlines that core Activities (A), Knowledge (K) and Values (V) that underpin teaching and learning activity in HE. The University of Hull’s Teaching Excellence Academy align all events to this framework. This workshop aligns with dimensions:

  • A2 Teach and/or support learning through appropriate approaches and environments.
  • A5 Enhance practice through own continuing professional development.
  • K2 Approaches to teaching and/or supporting learning, appropriate for subjects and level of study.
  • K3 Critical evaluation as a basis for effective practice.
  • V3 Use scholarship, or research, or professional learning, or other evidence-informed approaches as a basis for effective practice.



Registration is required. There are 7 seats available.